

Name (required)

E-mail Address (required)

Telephone Number (required)

Company/School Name (required)

Inquiry (required)

Content of Inquiry (required)

We will handle any information we receive in strict accordance with our personal information protection policy, and will not use it without your permission for any purpose other than to answer comments and inquiries.

In the interest of protecting your personal information, please do not send your resume via e-mail.
Please contact the nearest sales office to apply for a job.

Click to proceed to the confirmation screen if you agree with the following 'Handling of Privacy Policy'.

Handling of Privacy Policy

This document establishes the personal information handling procedures in accordance with our “Personal Information Protection Policy.”
You may use our services and proceed with the provision of personal information only upon fully understanding and consenting to the following.

(a)Name of the company handling the personal information
 SEEDEA Corporation

(b)Personal information protection supervisor
 SEEDEA Corporation, Department of General Affairs and Human Resources, Section Manager

(c)Purpose of use
 The personal information held by us shall only be used for the following purposes. (1)Personal information concerning business partners (persons in charge, etc.)
 ・For communications regarding general business activities, sales activities, etc.
(2)Personal information provided at the time of inquiry
 ・For communications and answers related to the contents of the inquiry.
(3)Personal information (including via web adoption navigation and Hello Work) provided as part of an application for a job.
 ・For recruitment activities at our company.
 ・For legal as well as various procedures (personnel and labor management, etc.) prescribed by the company when a hiring decision has been made.
(4)Personal information concerning employees and retirees
 ・For legal as well as various procedures (personnel and labor management, etc.) prescribed by the company.
 ・For legal procedures, such as post-retirement tax as well as social insurance, and the appropriate management of employment and historical information.

(d)Provision of personal information to third parties
 The acquired personal information will not be provided to any third parties without your prior consent, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations.

(e)Outsourcing of handling of personal information
 When outsourcing data processing operations and other similar operations, we select contractors who provide an adequate level of protection of personal information, and conclude a confidentiality agreement with them.

(f)Request and contact point for disclosure, etc., of personal information subject to disclosure
 After receiving a request for notification of purpose of use; disclosure; correction, addition, or deletion of content; suspension of use; information deletion; or suspension of provision to third parties of personal information held by us and subject to disclosure, we will respond promptly after confirming your identity.
 We may not be able to respond to your request when we are experiencing issues with our operations.

(g)Obligation to provide personal information
 You are under no obligation to provide us with your personal information. However, some personal information may be necessary to receive an appropriate response to inquiries and job applications, as well as to use our services. In addition, an applicant shall, upon being hired, provide personal information specified by us. Thank you for your understanding.

(h)Acquisition of personal information by means not readily discernible
 Cookies are intended to allow you to use our site more efficiently upon revisiting it, and not to infringe on your privacy. Furthermore, no harm is done to your computer. We do not acquire personal information by means of cookies.

【Guidance on requesting personal information subject to disclosure】
With respect to personal information held by us and subject to disclosure, for any request from a party or their representative for notification of purpose of use; disclosure; correction, addition, or deletion of contents; suspension of use; information deletion; or suspension of provision to third parties (hereinafter referred to as the “Request for Disclosure, etc.”), we will respond with the following procedures in accordance with the prescribed request form.

1.Where to send the “Request for Disclosure, etc.”
 To make a “Request for Disclosure, etc.,” the prescribed request form needs to be completed and sent to the point of contact indicated at the end of this document by postal mail together with necessary documents and fees.

2.Documents to be submitted with a “Request for Disclosure, etc.” Fill out all required information on the prescribed request form 2.(1), enclose the identity verification document 2.(2), and send by postal mail. If you received the request form as data, please download, print out, and fill out the PDF file.

2.(1)Prescribed request form
 With respect to the prescribed request form, we will send you a blank form by mail, fax, or e-mail after we receive your request at the point of contact indicated at the end of this document.

2.(2)Identity verification documents
 Please enclose a copy of one of the following identity verification documents.
 a.Driver’s license
 c.Basic resident register card (Juki card)
 d.Certificate of alien registration
 e.Health insurance certificate
 f.Other official document that can be used to verify your identity
 ※Redact or remove any permanent domicile information other than the prefecture on the copies provided.

3."Request for Disclosure, etc." by a representative
 In the case the "Request for Disclosure, etc." is made by a representative, in addition to the prescribed request form, please enclose a copy of one of the documents in 3.(1) below to certify that you are a representative as well as a copy of one of the documents in 3.(2) to prove your identity as a representative. 3.(1)Document to certify that you are a representative
<If the "Disclosure, etc." request has been delegated to a representative>
 a.Power of attorney (original)
<If the representative is a legal representative of a minor>
 a.Copy of family register
 b.Certificate of residence (on which the family relationship is indicated)
 c.Other official document that can be used to verify the legal authority representation
<If the representative is a legal representative of an adult ward>
 a.Certificate of registration matters concerning guardianship registration
 b.Other official document that can be used to verify the legal authority representation

3.(2)Copy of a document to prove your identity as a representative
 a.Driver's license
 c.Health insurance certificate
 d.Certificate of residence
 e.Basic resident register card (Juki card)
 ※Redact or remove any permanent domicile information other than the prefecture on the copies provided.

4."Request for Disclosure, etc." fee and collection method
 The following fee will be charged for each invoice only in case of a request for notification of purpose of use or disclosure. Please enclose postage stamps in the amount indicated below together with the documents when mailing the request form. Fee: 1,000JPY

5.How to make a "Request for Disclosure, etc."
 We will respond according to the billing method specified at the time of billing.
◇We will only use personal information acquired through a "Request for Disclosure, etc." to the extent necessary to respond to your request.
◇We may not be able to respond to a "Request for Disclosure, etc." in the following cases. In that case, we will notify you to that effect and the reason thereof. Please be advised that the fee will be applied even in cases where disclosure cannot be provided. a.When the identity of the requesting party or representative thereof cannot be verified
b.When the prescribed request form is incomplete
c.When the subject of the "Request for Disclosure, etc." does not correspond to the "Personal Information Subject to Disclosure"*
d.When there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the requesting party or any other third party
e.When there is a risk of seriously impeding the proper execution of our operations
f.When the request is in violation of laws or regulations

6.Personal information subject to disclosure and purpose of use
 Personal information subject to disclosure is personal information that comprises aggregations of systematically structured information, and to which we hold rights enabling us to respond to all requests for notification of purpose of use; disclosure; correction, addition, or deletion of content; suspension of use; information deletion; or suspension of provision to third parties. Personal information that falls under any of the points (1) to (4) below shall not be considered personal information subject to disclosure. In addition, the purpose of use of personal information subject to disclosure shall be the same as the purpose of use indicated in (c). (1)Personal information which may harm the life, body, or property of the requesting party or any other third party if its presence or absence is known
(2)Personal information which may encourage or induce illegal or improper conduct if its presence or absence is known
(3)Personal information which may harm national security, harm the relationship of mutual trust with another country or an international organization, or otherwise cause a disadvantage in negotiations with another country or an international organization if its presence or absence is known
(4)Personal information which may pose a risk of hindering the prevention, crackdowns, or investigations of crimes or maintenance of other public safety and order if its presence or absence is known

【Personal information complaints, consultation, disclosure, etc., request contact point】
 For complaints, consultation, disclosure, etc., requests concerning personal information, please contact the following.

Personal Information Protection Promotion Office, Seedea Corporation
144-0041, 1-1-4 Zone K 2F, Haneda Innovation City, Haneda Kuko, Ota-ku, Tokyo

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