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Privacy Policy

Basic Philosophy

As a solution service company involved in LSI design, embedded software, IT systems, and infrastructure products, Seedea Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") places the greatest importance on the "protection of personal information," including security information, as part of its business activities. The Company considers "personal information" to be important information assets to both the client and the Company, and acknowledges that it bears the responsibility to protect such personal information.
For this reason, all executive officers and employees observe the legal standards with regard to personal information protection. By appropriately handling the sensitive personal information provided by the client, the Company earns the trust of all involved parties (clients, employees, etc.). In order to contribute to the sound development of an advanced information society, the Company declares that it will establish, implement, maintain, and continuously improve the personal information protection policy as follows.

Basic Policy

a.When acquiring personal information, the Company shall specify the purpose of use within the scope necessary for its business operations by lawful and fair means. In addition, the acquired personal information shall be used and provided only within the scope of the purpose of use specified in advance. The Company shall not handle personal information beyond the scope of the specified purpose of use, and regular checks shall be implemented to prevent inappropriate handling.

b.The Company shall, at all times, keep current and comply with the laws and regulations, national guidelines, and other standards pertaining to the protection of personal information.

c.The Company shall take all necessary and appropriate safety measures to prevent and correct the leakage, loss, or destruction of personal information.

d.In order to respond to disclosure, amendment, deletion, usage, or suspension of provision of personal information (hereinafter referred to as the "Disclosure, etc."), as well as to complaints and consultation requests, the Company shall establish a "personal information contact point" and endeavor to resolve any issues. With regard to any of the Disclosure, etc., the Company shall verify the identity of the requesting party.

e.In order to maintain an adequate personal information protection system, the Company shall establish, implement, maintain, and continuously improve the personal information protection management system.

Contact for inquiries concerning this policy:
Personal Information Protection Promotion Office, Seedea Corporation
1-1-4 Zone K 2F, Haneda Innovation City,
Haneda Kuko, Ota-ku, Tokyo
E-mail :

Enactment date: April 1, 2005
Latest revision: September 1, 2017
Hideki Takamatsu, President,
Seedea Corporation

Handling of Privacy Policy (PDF)

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