Corporate Profile

Our technology builds the future

TOP>Corporate Profile>Message from the President and Philosophy

As an advanced manufacturing strategic partner Hideki Takamatsu, President

Since its establishment in 2004, Seedea Corporation, as a trusted technology service partner, has been providing solutions to customers all over the world with LSI Development, Embedded Software, IT and Infrastructure Products.
We have grown not by pursuing the expansion of the company or competing with other companies, but rather through a desire of all the employees to find satisfaction and pride in pursuing technological capabilities while taking every action to always meet the customers' expectations.

We can perceive and solve both immediate and unforeseen problems. We are convinced that continuing to grow while placing importance on technologies and solutions will create value tailored to the times not only for our company, but also for our customers.
We will continue to strengthen partnerships with our customers, support business strategies, and implement solutions that will lead to success.

Corporate Philosophy

Seedea Value

Seedea Value is the basic value (standard value) that should be regarded as paramount when a person belonging to the company conducts business activities. It is a generic term for our company's "Corporate Philosophy". Seedea Value is broken down into the following three categories.

01 - Significance of our existence as a company 02 - Corporate philosophy 03 - Employee Code of Conduct and Action Guidelines, and Wisdom

01 - Significance of our existence as a company

  • · 

    We contribute to our customers' success through strategic manufacturing partnerships.

  • · 

    We are a company that supports industrial development through technology as well as regional community development through employment. Consequently, the reason for our existence is to widely contribute to society.

  • · 

    We are a company that nurtures highly skilled engineers and let them thrive in order to contribute to their success.

02 - Corporate philosophy

We welcome difficulties in sales and technology, aim for quality improvement and customer satisfaction based on advanced proposals. We contribute to the development of society and economy by contributing to local communities by creating new jobs. We strive to achieve mission by all employees, demonstrate passion and ability, challenge life stability and leap forward of our company.

Through our business activities, we contribute to the development of our customers' businesses as well as society. In order to develop our business, the following priorities are given to management decisions.

  • Improvement of customer satisfaction
  • Improvement of community satisfaction
  • Improvement of employee satisfaction

In addition to possessing a deep understanding of our corporate philosophy as well as of the significance of our existence, we should understand and put in practice the "Employee Code of Conduct and Action Guidelines" and "Two Important Pieces of Wisdom," further explained, in daily activities.

03 - Employee Code of Conduct and Action Guidelines and Wisdom

Employee Code of Conduct

In carrying out our business activities, we strive to achieve our mission by embracing the seven following values:

  • Contribution to customer

    While being aware that each and every one of us is a representative of the company, we endeavor to contribute to the success of our customers by building a relationship of trust with them.

  • Contribution to society

    We comply with laws and regulations, create employment and profit through fair and honest business activities, and contribute to the development and success of industrial technology and local communities.

  • Delivering value

    In addition to attaching great importance to the opinion of customers and society, we always strive to provide customers and society with technologies and services as well as provide new value.

  • Appreciation and attitude toward everyone involved

    We greatly value the courtesy of everyone involved in our business, and we endeavor to be honest, accurate, and prompt, as well as to respond with modesty, appreciation, and with the interest of our partners in mind.

  • Attitude toward technology and work  

    We are aware of our own roles and responsibilities, and we fulfill our duties as professionals in a fair and honest manner.

  • Challenge and autonomy

    We endeavor to tackle ambitious goals, and as specialists with high ethical standards, we work autonomously and enthusiastically to improve our market value.

  • Change and autonomy

    We are never afraid to change. We aim at creating an optimal organization that is in line with social changes and that is not bound by organizational hierarchy and department walls. While putting emphasis on teamwork and human resource development, we endeavor to work autonomously to maintain and improve our human resource quality.

Action Guidelines and Wisdom

1. Six pieces of wisdom to build trust relationships
  • · Prioritize the interests of others over one's own interests.
  • · Try to understand first the odther party as well as their position Even if it seems impossible.
  • · Cherish care and courtesy.
  • · Keep any promise you make. No matter how small the promise is.
  • · Avoid misunderstandings by clearly defining expectations.
  • · In case you made an error, apologize in good faith.
2. Six pieces of wisdom to foster human growth
  • · Be honest.
  • · Be curious.
  • · Be patient. Do not give up.
  • · Do not neglect to prepare.
  • · Be thorough and attentive.
  • · Dream and be able to set a high target.

Quality Policy

This quality policy will serve alongside our corporate philosophy as the basis of our action guidelines, and we will dedicate ourselves to ensuring full understanding and implementation by all employees to fulfill our product quality business goals.

Basic Policy

( 1 )
Our company places customer satisfaction before all else, and we provide high-quality engineering services matched to our customers' needs.
( 2 )
In order to carry out the above (1), we will implement continuous effective improvement of our quality management system.

This quality policy will be reviewed at set intervals to maintain suitability for purpose.

October 3rd , 2016
Hideki Takamatsu

ISO9001 certification

We have obtained the ISO 9001 certification, the international standard for quality management system (QMS).

  • Applicable

    ISO 9001:2015

  • Initial certification date

    16 February 2020

  • The management system is
    applicable to

    Development of semiconductors

  • Registered office

    Tokyo Design Center
    Osaka Design Center

  • Examining

    Intertec Certification Co., Ltd.

Information Security Policy

To maintain customer trust, we will implement proper information safety measures, and consider protecting this information our company's responsibility. In order to realize this, we will give consideration to legal and regulatory responsibilities as well as contractual security obligations and promote advancement in security settings and information security procedures.

Basic Policy

( 1 )
We will establish an ISO office to discuss security measures while planning the advancement of security procedures.
( 2 )
Our executives and employees, alike, will closely adhere to security regulations, and along with dedication to preventing the occurrence of informational asset accidents, in the event an accident occurs, we shall promptly discuss appropriate preventative measures.
( 3 )
We will implement awareness and education regarding information security issues.
( 4 )
In response to business, organizational or technological changes, we will periodically review our information security policy, and maintain continuous improvement of our information security system.
( 5 )
As top management, we will carry out our duties and support the realization of our information security policy.

November 1st, 2019
Hideki Takamatsu

ISO27001 certification

We have obtained the ISO / IEC 27001 certification, the international standard for information security management systems (ISMS).

  • Applicable

    ISO/IEC 27001:2013

  • Initial certification date

    24 March 2020

  • The management system is
    applicable to

    Infomation security management of design and development of LSI, embedded software and IT systems, and supply of temporary engimeering staff.

  • Registered office

    Head Office, Tokyo Design Center, Osaka Design Center, Fukuoka Design Center
    Kumamoto Design Center, Philippine Design Center (Excluding: supply of temporary engimeering)

  • Examining

    Intertec Certification Co., Ltd.