
Four solutions that make use of state-of-the-art hardware and software development capabilities to strengthen our customers' businesses

TOP>Solutions>Kosuke Shiba, Soution Business Producer

Contributing to customer success as a strategic partner.That's the significance of Seedia's existence. Kosuke Shiba, Soution Business Producer

"The Present and Future of Japan"

Within the new trend called the "Fourth Industrial Revolution," Japan possesses the world's most advanced technology on various fronts such as smart production lines and smart grids, which use the IoT, big data, and AI. However, the Japanese semiconductor industry that once commanded more than 50% of the global market is now playing second fiddle to Taiwan and Korea with a share of less than 10%. While the global semiconductor industry continues to grow, only Japan continues to lose ground in market share and competitiveness. Moreover, it is becoming difficult for each company to secure valuable human resources to support this industry by itself because of the declining birthrate and aging society, less interest in science and technology careers among the younger generation and downsizing of human resources through restructuring and rationalization of business operations in domestic companies.

With its response to the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Japan is clearly lagging behind when compared with the United States, which has many companies such as Apple, Google, Facebook, and Amazon that consist of worldwide cloud platforms, or Germany, which is coordinating efforts at the national level to transcend industry barriers through Industry 4.0.If Japanese industrial structure cannot respond to the changes as it is, continues to depend on foreign companies for data platforms and leave the leak of human resources who should play an important role, Japanese companies will increasingly become subcontractors, employment opportunities will be lost, and salary will also decline.

"Required Reforms"

For Japan to take the lead in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and for all citizens to be able to have access to high-quality employment, not only is it necessary to fully embrace the new industrial structure, but it is also crucial to change the employment styles of human resources to support it.

Not only to create new services by promoting innovations that lead to new demand and expansion of employment opportunities, but also to bring about “labor mobility” that will divert the surplus resources stemming from labor-saving efforts such as the introduction of AI and robots to the newly created demand in employment and to implement “employment and work-style reforms”, such as telecommuting and sharing economy utilizing ICT that correspond to the new industrial reforms will be mandatory. Moreover, as it is difficult for any single company alone to develop the skills and secure employment and human resources corresponding to the new technological innovations, expectations for the role played by the human resource industry as a cornerstone of such innovations are increasing.


"Seedea's Contribution and Vision"

Seedea is a professional engineering group that provides solutions mostly in LSI design, but also in embedded software design, system integration, and infrastructure product design. Seedea is providing the solution services utilizing core technologies and human resources in these four areas, which all play a fundamental role in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Seedea is aiming to cooperate with customers on both the technological and people fronts, to capture the diversifying and ever-changing needs from the customer's perspective, to find solutions to problems, conceive ideas and concepts for technological and business models that can become the core of new businesses and to develope them together with customers through those services.

Seedea's technologies and human resources are not limited to Japan. They also extend to its global network of bases. The Philippines boasts one of the world's top economic growth rates as well as a stable population growth rate. It has a wealth of youthful and capable human resources who have received specialized education as a result of the promotion of IT at the national level. We bring together Japanese engineers who possess extensive experience and knowledge as well as a high level of awareness toward quality with highly adaptable and outstanding young engineers in the Philippines to form an optimal team. This allows us to provide customers with flexible solutions combining various business models, such as on-site, off-site, nearshore, or offshore, utilizing our domestic and overseas bases.

We believe that Seedea’s value is to combine the advantages of both domestic and overseas human resources and their technologies together with the customer's needs and business development requirements and to provide as Seedea’s solution.

As a strategic partner who supports customers’ manufacturing, we strive to contribute to customer success, and, as a result, to the development of the economy in general, the local communities, as well as people's lives in the rapidly changing society. For that purpose, understanding that the growth of our employees ultimately leads to the growth of our company, we train highly skilled engineers and providing them with an environment in which they can truly thrive. That is the significance of Seedea's existence.

Koshi Iwasaki, Chief Engineer of Analog LSI Design Team
Kosuke Shiba, Division Manager of LSI Design Division